Laboratory researches of soil

Laboratory researches of soil

Laboratory researches of soil

Soil fertility is very sensitive to negative technogenic impact of economic activity. Human intervention in nature processes, which sustain soil preservation and soil remediation, leads to soil neglecting. Ukrainian nature protection legislation and land legislation establish the requirements for soils and lands protection.

Soil, as one of main facilities of food production, requires solicitous attitude not only to soil fertility preservation from which depends productivity and effectiveness of plant cultivation, and to protection from nature disasters – floods, soil creeps. Soil pollution directly refers on its fertility and nature hydrophobic and waterproofing features as a result of soil pollution and soil contamination. Soil pollution means existing of over quantity or concentration of foreign chemical substances and elements. Soil contamination is existing of foreign particles (rubbishes and waste) on surface or under land plot.

Soil has many characteristics which depends on such factors as geographic location, landscape, climate and history. For business entities which use soil as main technological facility for plat cultivation, soil fertility means a strategic value. For defining main indictors of soil, MCL, LLC proposes conducting agrochemical researches of soil, determining grain texture of soil, compound constitution of soil, composition of soil solution, reaction of soil solution, absorbing capacity of soil, features of soil by the morphological characters, executing of land plot agrochemical passport, preparing rotation of crops project. Results of agrochemical researches allow to huge and small farms to identify type of plant which is suitable to cultivate on certain land plot.

Soil fertility is important not only for enterprises which cultivate plants but also for business entities which intent to conduct construction. According to the article 168 of Land Code of Ukraine «Soils protection», owners of land plots, conducting their activity which can disrupt top layer of soil, are obligated to conduct «…stripping, storing, preserving top layer of soil and applying it on plot form which it was removed (remediation) or on other land plot for increasing it productivity and other features»Agrochemical researches of soil are aimed among other things for determining existing of fertile layer of soil.

In case of absence fertile layer of soil on land plot, which is aimed for housing, owner of land plot must organize conducting of agrochemical researches of soil. The territory of modern cities, in general, is covered by the technogenic soils. In other words, these soils are without fertile layer and not valuable. For example, almost all left bank of Kyiv stands on warp and removed soils. But modern tendencies of expanding and forming new territories, which are aimed for construction, occupy increasingly territory of urban and surrounding areas. Therefore, owners of these land plots should pay attention for compliance requirements of nature protection legislation in the sphere of lands and soils protection, and in time conduct corresponded researches. Soils damage, soils contamination, their improper use and untimely remediation are administrative and criminal (article 239 of Criminal Code of Ukraine) violation which could cause multimillion losses.

MCL, LLC together with such specialized organization as SE «Ukrainian Geological Company», NSC «Institute of Agriculture NAAS», SE «Kyiv scientific, research and project institute of land organization» conduct researches for identifying: soil fertility, agrochemical indictors of soil, physical and chemical features of soil. At command of specialized organizations are modern equipment, national and European technologies of identifying agrochemical feature of soil. Regarding to long-term experience in the sphere of lands and soils protection, land use, MCL, LLC can guaranty clients individual approach in solving their requests in the sphere of environmental protection.