Development of passport for gas treatment unit (GTU)

Economic activity of many enterprises directly impacts on environment, but emissions of pollutant substances into atmospheric air cause hurt not only to environment, but also to human health. Therefore, enterprise, conducting emissions of pollutant substances, has to provide their statutory concentration and to clear from dangerous and harmful substances. Gas treatment unit (GTU) is aimed for removal and capture of pollutant and dangerous substances form dust-gas steam. In other words, GTU is a technical instrument of atmospheric air protection. Through implementation of gas treatment units, enterprise not only reduces the volume of emissions of pollutant substances in air, but also saves money while paying ecological tax. Any enterprise, which uses during production special gas treatments, must have passport of gas treatment unit that corresponds to the requirements of order №52 from 6th of February 2009, approved by the Ministry of ecology.

     According to the «The rules of technical exploitation of GTU», entrepreneur is obligated to check the correspondence of actual indicators of GTU work to project indicators for pollutant substances of I-II classes of danger twice per year, but for pollutant substances of IV-V classes of danger – once per year. In case of absence established class of danger of pollutant substances, checking of correspondence is conducted twice per year as well as for pollutant substances of I-II classes of danger.

The process of preparation of passport of GTU is conducted by the qualified specialists of MCL, LLC in following way:

  1. Specialist-ecologist visits enterprise where installed gas treatment unit.
  2. We conduct full equipment inspection at enterprise for identification possible failures in work or defects, in addition we are able to scheming GTU.
  3. We organize GTU testing and sample collecting of dust-gas stream before and after clearing for analysis of effectiveness of GTU work.
  4. We conduct systematization of received data and results of tests, and their processing.
  5. We prepare protocols of tests and measurements.
  6. We organize an execution of passport of gas treatment unit.
  7. We prepare a report on conducting tests in accordance to the rules «The rules of technical exploitation of GTU».
  8. We represent designed passport of GTU for registration at authorities of state ecological control.

The presence of correctively registered passport of GTU is compulsory during preparing report on sources inventory of emissions of pollutant substances into atmospheric air for obtaining permission for emissions of pollutant substances into atmospheric air. The passportization of GTU is very popular practice during conducting a complex of actions for obtaining permission for emissions.

Therefore, the process of passportization requires enough time, skills, knowledge. It is very difficult technological process, so it will be better to delegate this task to high-qualified specialists in the sphere of atmospheric air protection and in conducting laboratory researches. If you apply to MCL, LLC, you can be sure in quality of conducted tasks and in correct execution of passports of gas treatment units in determined time.

It worth to note that if there are changes or modernization of das treatment unit, business entity has to execute new passport of GTU and to reregister it in corresponded authorities. The specialists, ecologists of MCL, LLC due to the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of atmospheric air protection will conduct required researchers and measurements for execution new passport of GTU, its reregistration in authorities of state ecological control.

MCL, LLC proposes clients a complex of services in the sphere of atmospheric air protection: obtaining permission for emissions of pollutant substances into atmospheric air, preparing of sources inventory of emissions of pollutant substances into atmosphere, conducting laboratory researches and aerodynamic tests for execution, registration or reregistration of passports of gas treatment unit.