Changes in construction legislation of Ukraine

Changes in construction legislation of Ukraine

Changes in construction legislation of Ukraine

Minregion of Ukraine has approved new state construction norms for the replacement of the existing norms, as follows:

  1. New state construction norms 2.2-12:2018 «Planning and development of areas» replace:
  • State construction norms «Urban development. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements»;
  • State construction norms “General layout of agricultural enterprises”;
  • State construction norms “Planning and development of rural settlements”;
  • State construction norms “Planning and development of small agricultural and farms enterprises”;
  • State construction norms “Content, structure, procedure for design, agreement and approval of integrated transport scheme of cities of Ukraine”;
  • Sanitary norms and rules II-89-80 “general layouts of industrial facilities”.
  1. State construction norms “The buildings and structures. Pre-school establishments” replace the state construction norms “The buildings and structures of child pre-school facilities”;
  2. State construction norms “The buildings and structures. Educational establishments” replace the state construction norms “The buildings and structures of educational establishments”;
  3. State construction norms “The streets and roads of settlements” replace “Transport structures. The streets and roads of settlements”.

What changes and novation should we wait in connection with the approval of new state construction norms? Here, the some fundamental changes:

  1. The name “blue line” is approved to limit the height of buildings for controlling the historical and esthetical city view.
  2. The name “green line” is approved to limit building development for protecting of the green areas.
  3. The percentage of area of land plot regarding to the number of stores is defined for new building.
  4. The maximum limits of density of buildings (450 persons/ha – maximum, 150 persons/ha – minimum) are implemented.
  5. It is prohibited to temporarily or permanently leave the cars inside the residential quarter. Parking places should be organized on the street side or passage of quarter.
  6. For barrier-free access of persons with limited mobility, compulsory must be provided passageways, ramps.
  7. Adjusted requirements for the design of bypass roads, fire access roads and playgrounds.

New changes are directed to form a safe and comfortable space for people through implementing innovative technologies.

To review new state construction norms you can download it.