On environmental impact assessment (EIA)

On environmental impact assessment (EIA)

On environmental impact assessment (EIA)

We would like to inform you that from 18th of December 2017 come into a force a law of Ukraine «On environmental impact assessment». The law of Ukraine on evaluation of impact on surroundings prescribes the requirements of environmental safety, rational use of national resources, minimizing of harmful impact on surroundings in the process of making managerial decisions about planned activity. The designing of the conclusion of evaluation of impact is a result of its conducting.

The key moment of the law on evaluation of impact on surroundings is a substitution of the conclusion of state environmental expertise on the conclusion of evaluation of impact on surroundings. Business entity does not have a right to conduct or to start its planned activity without the conclusion of impact on surroundings.

According to the requirements of the law of Ukraine «On evaluation of impact on surroundings», the conduction of this evaluation is compulsory for the business entities of the first and second category, that can significantly and negatively impact on surroundings. The fist category includes: gas and oil refining plants; heat power stations (of capacity more than 50 megawatt) and nuclear power stations, nuclear reactor; enterprises of iron and non-ferrous industry; enterprises of chemical industry (biochemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnical production, production of mineral amendments, lacquers, paints, polymeric materials and other substances); management with hazardous, household and other waste (their storing, recycling, disposal); construction of airports, highways, railway stations, river ports; abstraction of underground waters; mining of oil and gas from continental shelf; construction of quarry and mining of mineral resources; enterprises of production asbestos and asbestine materials; wastewater treating facilities; phased and sanitary cutting of forestry and reserved areas; construction of electric lines. The Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine will provide the conclusions of evaluation of impact on surroundings.

The second category of business entities that are obligated for evaluation of impact on surroundings are: enterprises of forestry and agricultural industries; deep drilling for radioactive waste disposal or for water supplying; enterprises of recycling the mineral raw materials, metal producing and finishing; enterprises of food products, textile, paper, leather and wood-working industries; infrastructural projects (construction of tramways, pipe lines, hydro technical facilities, metro lines). The local state authorities will provide the conclusions for the second category of business entities.

In addition, in accordance to the requirements of the law on evaluation of impact on surroundings, law does not effect on operating enterprises in case of their reconstruction, refurbishment, technical improvement or business process re-engineering but if their activity will not significantly impact on surroundings. The criteria of determining the planned activity, its changes and extensions, which are not the object of evaluation of impact on surroundings, have to be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine close to an effective date.

The conclusion of evaluation of impact on surroundings is not required in case of an accident management and emergencies, providing defense capacity or eliminating terrorist activities.

The experts of multifunctional company MCL, LLC consult you about new law on evaluation of impact on surroundings. Applying to MCLL, LLC you will get reliable business partner in evaluation of impact on surroundings, execution of all required documentation, design the alternatives of planned activity in terms of high risks and hazards for surroundings.