For each businessman important in business is profit, leadership and prestige in the market. And the team effectiveness depends on the ensuring of comfortable, safe and updated internal “office” space. Until recently, there were no methods and criteria by which the level of security and comfort of internal office space was defined.
To measure and define the correspondence of building to the outsatnding standards, for 7 years the scientists conducted architectural and medical researches. As a result, they have developed a unique technical method WELL Building Standard for assessing the “health” of the building. WELL Building Standard is the assessment exclusively of those factors that directly affect the health and well-being of employees. WELL certification is based on scientific evidence, technical requirements that modern office buildings must meet.
1. Air and ventilaiton system. The accumulation of CO₂ in the air reduces work efficiency, affects the cerebration and generally increases body fatigue. Using of antimicrobial detergents for cleaning reduces air quality and causes allergic reactions and other respiratory diseases. Along with this, one of the requirements of the WELL Building Standard is a ban on smoking in the building, even electronic devices.
2. Quality of potable water. Substances used for water purification, can accumulate in the body and cause diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract.
3. Lighting and level of insolation. Natural lighting of workplaces has not only a sanitary and hygienic effect, but also imprives mental ability and memory. The planning of workplaces should be considering the access of sunlight.
4. Acoustic comfort affects working conditions in the office.
5. Fitness. Confining long-term work in an uncomfortable position causes musculoskeletal diseases of employees. It reduces not only their effectiveness, but also, sometimes, they are forced to take sick leave. Therefore, a common practice there are gyms and sports grounds for employees.
6. Food quality offered by restaurants in the building for employees. The requirement of the standard is to exclude transfats of food products and reduce the carbonated drinks with high sugar content.
Registration of object in Green Business Certification Institute (GBCI);
Implementation of the requirements that the certification object must meet in accordance with the WELL standard;
Development of the report on the results of implementing the requirements of the WELL standard and submitting it to the GBCI;
Well Assessor visits object to sampling after the implementation of the requirements of the WELL standard.
WELL Silver (50-59 points);
WELL Gold (60-79 points);
WELL Platinum (80-100 points).
Increasing the market value of the real estate;
To be the first in Ukraine who received the WELL certificate, and therefore to be the market leader;
Reducing employee`s illness and employee turnover;
Increasing of productivity and, as a result, increasing of profits;
Reducing the costs of health insurance;
Reducing the operational costs of building;
Increasing the corporate and social responsibility.
WELL certification for Ukraine is absolutely new. But in the world, 135 buildings have already received certificates of Well Building Standard, and 984 buildings are now in the process of certification.
We offer you to be the first!