Ecological outsourcing (including inspections)

The credo of our enterprise is a comprehensive approach to ecology. That is why, for satisfying all needs of our clients in the sphere of ecology, we propose ecological outsourcing. It allows any enterprises to delegate all their, established by law, obligations in the sphere of environmental protection, ecology on real professionals of their business.

Near ten years of stable and effective work, repeatedly prove necessity and practicability of complex service providing in the sphere of ecology. Thus, every enterprise must continuous control, develop guidelines, renew permissions, and prepare reports and other important measures that are regimented by more than thirty laws, acts, codes and standards. For compliance all current requirements it is necessary to include into workforce sophisticated ecologist, which has minimum three general specialization and skills of bookkeeper and own accredited laboratory. Either, more popular to use services of specialized enterprises. However, and this way is far from optimal one, and requires significant efforts and, as rule, enterprise addresses to subcontractor organizations in the area of ecology after violations identified by ecological inspection and charged penalties. It is easier and cheaper to conclude an agreement for complex ecological service (ecological outsourcing) with one proved enterprise and be sure that next inspection will pass successfully.

Our enterprise can propose you to perform all services related with natural resources protection, management of natural resources and ecology not only in complex but also separable that can satisfy needs of enterprise of any size and type of activity. Nevertheless, we continuously punctuate that just ecological outsourcing guarantees environmental safety and absence of remarks on behalf of controlling bodies. As shows long-period experience, even the most qualified ecologist at enterprise is not able to solve all problems in the sphere of ecology, but this is suitable for team of ecologists. We propose you to use our experience, skills and resources. The advantages of this decision impossible underestimate. Your enterprise does not need to find decisions for each question that, as rule, appeared urgent and requires much time and forces. The solving of all questions will delegate on qualified personal of our enterprise under mutually agreed terms.

Annual preparation of reports of report 2TF air, 2TF water management, report on compliance of permission`s requirements for pollutants emissions, determination of indicator of general waste production, determination of indicator of specific waste production, waste declaration registration, permissions renewal, control for pollutants emissions, quality control for drinking-water and sewage waters, obtaining conditions for discharge, approval with authorized bodies, sanitary-hygienic control, obtaining conclusions of  State Service  of Ukraine on products safety and consumer protection, deratization, desinsection, disinfection, preparation of register cards of waste production object. These are not full list of necessary services for modern enterprise for compliance with current norms of natural resources protection. It is worth to note that the ordering of ecological outsourcing service of MCL, LLC includes support during conducting planned and unplanned verifications by State ecological inspection and other controlling bodies. It means that the preparation of all references, information collection and representation of client`s interests in case of verifications MCL, LLC takes upon oneself. In addition, for fixing up possible debates we propose you a qualified ecological lawyer.

For a few months, you have already made sure that ecological support of MCL, LLC allows you to find more time for your business, not to straggle on solving new problems in the sphere of environmental protection, natural resources and ecology. We guarantee you full transparency and reporting of our activity. All information are passed for MCL, LLC became commercial confidentiality and not be used for aims not established by agreement with client.