Environmental impact assessment as a part of project documentation in accordance with the State construction codes refers as document in form of report including assessment of main directions of possible negative impact (atmospheric, geological, social environment, management of natural resources, waste management) of planned or performed activity and for such are established measures for reducing potentially dangerous impact.
State construction norms of Ukraine А.2.2-1-95 regulate the content and order of conducting evaluation of impact on environment. All responsibility for EIA conduction impose on customer, but development of materials of EIA rests to authorized organizations that have corresponded permits and licenses for evaluation. At first, customer has a right to choose contractor for evaluation of impact on environment and to coordinate all aspects of impact in environment from planned activity. Together customer and contractor collect necessary materials for EIA about environmental conditions and life activity, develop aims of EIA, considering all volume of planned tasks depending on ecological hazard of planned activity. Due to mentioned above, contractor (specialized organization) conducts evaluation of impact on environment according to established tasks and prepares preliminary project of Claim on ecological consequences from planned activity. After this, customer can provide materials of EIA for conducting state environmental expertise.
The chapter of EIA consists of following points:
The development of such claim as conduction of EIA very responsible tasks. Applying to specialists of MCL, LLC, you can be sure in completeness, qualified performing and objectiveness of evaluation of impact on environment. And it leads to pass state environmental expertise and further conduction of entrepreneurship or realization of planned projects.
Therefore, specialists of MCL, LLC refer as contractors in the process of EIA, so we can assure you that during conducting evaluation of impact on environment, we comply following important principles:
It worth to note, that any activity, which can be hazardous, required individual approach and searching of unique decisions needed from developer an access of instruments and corresponded experience. Therefore, you can delegate to specialists-ecologists of MCL, LLC the conduction of evaluation of impact on environment and preparation of all materials of EIA for state environmental expertise. Our long-term experience in the sphere of environmental protection, ecology and sanitary-hygienic surveillance allows providing our clients the best complex of services required for environmental expertise.