Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a procedure of defining the level and intensity of impact of planned activity on environment. The requirements of environmental impact assessment are determined in the law of Ukraine «On environmental impact assessment». EIA is carried out if the planned activity can negatively impact on environment. The specific feature if environmental impact assessment is involvement of community to this procedure through holding of the public hearings. The public hearings are compulsory in the process of EIA. The procedure of EIA is defined in the Act of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Types of planned activities, that are the subject of EIA, are defined in the article 3 of the law and divided into the first and second categories. If the activity of business entity is the subject of the first category, all documentation in the process of EIA are submitted to the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine. Or if the planned activity is the second category, all documents are provided to the local department. All documentation in the process of environmental impact assessment are submitted to the Unified Register of EIA.
The procedure of environmental impact assessment is defined in the Act «On approval a procedure of submission documents for conclusion of environmental impact assessment» and combined the following stages:
The notification of planned activity is submitted to the Unified Register and print media. Fill-out form of the notification of planned activity is indicated in Appendix 2 of the Act of Cabinet of Ministers. Within 20 days from the moment of publication of the notification in the Unified Register, the publicity could provide their propositions or comments on planned activity. The business entity has to consider these comments/propositions in the report on environmental impact assessment.
Teh report on EIA is developed in accordance to the approved form and content (Appendix 4 of the Act of Cabinet pf Ministers of Ukkraine). The report on environmental impact assessment is publicly available. It is uploaded to the Register and placed in areas where the public has free access to review it. During the public hearings the participants discuss the report of EIA. This report should include the results of carried out researches of defining the impact on biodiversity, atmospheric air, water bodies and soils.
The announcement is submited to the Unified Register and published in print media. The data, time and address of holding the public hearings are determined in the announcement. The form of this announcement is in Appendix 3 of the corresponding Act.
The Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine or the local department (depending to the category of planned activity of EIA) are responsible for organization of public hearings. Due to the results of public hearings, the local department/Ministry prepare the report of the results of public hearings. It also is uploaded to the Register of EIA.
The approval on EIA allows to carry out the planned activity. It includes the ecological and environment-oriented conditions recommended to comply.
Environmental impact assessment is aimed to evaluate the possible negative impact of planned activity on environment and to define the measures for it elimination or minimization. This new procedure is not intended to interfere with the carry out the planned activity of the business entity.
Within the environmental impact assessment, the specialists of our company cooperate with the I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Institution «O.M. Marzeiev institute for public health» NAMSU. The scientific researches and justifications make possible to assess the planned activity from the point of view of the impact on biodiversity, the ecosystem in general and to develop alternatives to the implementation of planned activities.