The amount of charge is approved for public discussions in the process of environmental impact assessment (EIA)
The amount of charge is approved for public discussions in the process of environmental impact assessment (EIA)
Accordingly, to the point 15 of the Act of Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine «On approval a procedure of submission documents for conclusion of environmental impact assessment», the amount of charge for carrying out the public discussions in the frameworks of EIA should be approved separately. Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine approved Order №182, dated 30 May 2018 «On approval the amount of charge for carrying out the public discussions in the frameworks of environmental impact assessment».
Due to the Order on amount of charge for carrying out the public discussion in the process of EIA is:
- For public discussion in the process of the EIA of planned activity, if its impact is within one region (the Autonomous Republic of Crimea): for the first category – 15461.46 UAH, and for the second category – 11596.1 UAH.
- For public discussion in the process of the EIA of planned activity, if its impact is on two or more regions, but less than one-third of Ukraine’s regions: for the first category – 26064.9 UAH, and for the second category – 19548.69 UAH.
- For public discussion in the process of the EIA of planned activity, if its impact is more than one-third of Ukraine’s regions: for the first category – 81588.84 UAH, and for the second category – 61191.63 UAH.
- For public discussion in the process of transboundary impact of planned activity for one country: for the first category – 81261.42 UAH, and for the second category – 60946.07 UAH. The amount of charge for each subsequent country is increased on 60404.32 UAH for the first category, and on 45303.24 UAH for the second category.
The amount of charge for carrying out the public discussions is indicated without VAT.
The competency of the specialists of MCL, LLC is the environmental impact assessment in form «ready-to-operate». It provides the operatively and qualitative works and allows us to take responsibility for its carrying out and control the process of EIA.