Approval of environmental impact assessment (EIA)
18th of December 2017 came into a force the law of Ukraine “On environmental impact assessment”. What should change with the coming into force of the mentioned below law? At first, the business entities have to obtain the conclusion of evaluation of impact on surroundings that substitutes the conclusion of state environmental expertise. Please pay attention, that conducting of evaluation of impact on environment is equal the conducting of impact on surroundings. In other words, new developments are aimed to simplify a system of permissible documentation in the field of business activity.
Push for changes in the field of ecology, environmental protection and executing of permissible documents was signing of The Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement. Therefore, our state has to carry out and comply international obligations. One of the terms of the Association was the transition from the post-Soviet scheme “conduction evaluation of impact on environment – expert appraisal – environmental expertise to conducting of evaluation of impact on surroundings and obtaining the conclusion of evaluation of impact on surroundings.
The procedure of conducting the evaluation of impact on surroundings includes the next actions: preparing a report of evaluation of impact on surroundings, conducting the public hearings or discussions (if required), studying by the authorized body the provided information in report and received as a result of public hearing, and obtaining the conclusion of impact on surroundings from planned activity.
The conclusion of impact on surroundings is an official document for carrying out planned business activity. The law on evaluation of impact on surroundings prescribes a list of activities, which are obligated to be evaluated of impact on surroundings and to obtain the conclusion of impact on environment. These are:
More detailed list of activities entitled for evaluation of impact on surroundings you can find in the law of Ukraine on evaluation of impact on surroundings.
The specialists of MCL, LLC with pleasure can consult you on the issue of evaluation of impact on surroundings. Applying to MCL, LLC you will get a reliable business partner in conducting of evaluation of impact on surroundings, executing all required documentation, designing the alternatives of planned activity realization in terms of high risks and hazards for environment.