Ecological verifications

Ecological verifications

Ecological verifications

In Ukraine the control for compliance the requirements in the sphere of environmental protection is conducted by the State Ecological Inspection (SEI) basing on the Order №275 of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 19th of April 2017. In accordance to this order the competency of State ecoinspection is the state control in the sphere of environmental protection, control for rational use of nature resources, for their restoration and protection; development the recommendations concerning state policy in the sphere of environmental nature resources protection; and also, state surveillance for complying the requirements of current legislation in the sphere of protection soils, forest resources, national and recreational parks, water resources, atmospheric air, ecological safety, restoration and rational use the objects of plant industry and livestock breeding; although, state surveillance in the sphere of waste management, their storage and disposal. In addition, SEI has a right to carry out verifications involving the use of laboratory researches and measurements, to draw up the acts regarding the results of verifications and to provide the instructions concerning to violations identified for their compulsory executing.

It happened, that in Ukraine the State Ecological Inspection conducts the proper ecological verifications of large enterprises, plants and factories, not paying enough attention for small enterprises and businesses that there are a lot of ones in domestic market. But small businesses in a similar way pose a hazard to environment, therefore, likewise they conduct the emissions of pollutant substances into atmospheric air.

For full compliance of all requirements of environmental protection legislation business entity should be aware in the sphere of waste managementemissions of pollutant substances into atmospheric air, special water use, mineral resources and land resources use (conducting the remediation and melioration), obtaining the terms for wastewater discharge and maximum permissible discharge etc. In other words, the results of activity of any enterprise largely or not impact on surrounding status. The specialists of MCL, LLC propose you a full ecological support in all requests concerning the compliance of the requirements of current environmental legislation, and also, to find solution for any problem apart. In addition, respected engineer-technologists and leading ecologists are able to design the alternative variants of your projects realization and conduction the business activity.

That`s why, MCL, LLC proposes clients the service of ecological outsourcing. It allows for businesses of any size and type of activity to delegate all their obligations, established by law, in the sphere of environmental protection, nature resources use, and control for proper fulfillment of obligations by contracting agencies to high-qualified company. MCL. LLC and its partner organizations have the best options for conducting operations of any difficulty and scale in determined time.

Annual preparation of reports of report 2TF air, 2TF water management, report on compliance of permission`s requirements for pollutants emissions, determination of indicator of general waste production, determination of indicator of specific waste production, waste declaration registration, permissions renewal, control for pollutants emissions, quality control for drinking-water and sewage waters, obtaining conditions for discharge, approval with authorized bodies, sanitary-hygienic control, obtaining conclusions of  State Service  of Ukraine on products safety and consumer protection, deratization, desinsection, disinfection, preparation of register cards of waste production object. These are not full list of necessary services for modern enterprise for compliance with current norms of natural resources protection. It is worth to note that the ordering of ecological outsourcing service of MCL, LLC includes support during conducting planned and unplanned verifications by State ecological inspection and other controlling bodies. It means that the preparation of all references, information collection and representation of client`s interests in case of verifications MCL, LLC takes upon oneself. In addition, for fixing up possible debates we propose you a qualified ecological lawyer.