Terms for wastewater discharge and Maximum permissible discharges
The rapid growth of industrial enterprise`s activity leads not only to more using volume of water, but also to water pollution through wastewater discharge into water objects. So, it is necessary to control not only the status of water reservoirs in which are waste water discharged but also their composition and volume. Depending on object location, wastewater discharge is conducted by two ways: into water objects or into sewerage system of water canals.
In case of wastewater discharge into water objects, entrepreneur is obligated to approval the maximum permissible discharges (MPD) in accordance to «Sanitary rules and norms of surface water protection from pollution» (SRN №4630-88) and to «Water Code of Ukraine». What are MPD? The maximum permissible discharges – are maximum permissible mass of substances of wastewater that discharge due to the established order and regime at object of discharge for certain period of time for guaranty quality of water. For right calculation of MPD it is necessary to consider the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) at places of water use, ability of water object for assimilation and for distribution mass of substances, which come into wastewater, between water users. The norms of MPD are defined as to operating sources of pollution and to objects are in project stage. It worth to note that enterprises in the discharges which are substances with undefined MPC, putting into operation is prohibited. If during activity entrepreneur exceeds norms of water abstraction, or uses ineffective treatment equipment which leads to water objects pollution, or does not comply other norms and rules in the sphere of water use and water objects protection, so local power bodies will send a prescript for corrective actions with a defined term.
Information about maximum permissible discharges must be noted in permission for special water use according to the Act of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On order for design and approval norms of maximum permissible discharges (MPD) of wastewater substances into water objects», approved by the Order of Ministry of ecology №116 from 15th of December 1994.
In case of wastewater discharge into sewerage system of water canals it is necessary to be guided by the terms of wastewater acceptance approved by the local services of water canals. For obtaining terms for wastewater discharge, at first, entrepreneur has to get a passport of water services at local water canal. The passport of water service must be designed due to the Rules for use municipal water supply and sewerage in cities and settlements of Ukraine and Rules of wastewater acceptance in sewage networks of Ukrainian settlements. The passport of water service consists of information about status of sewage system of water canal, water consumption, terms of formation and discharge wastewater, polluted water and rainwater, and also their quality and volume.
Therefore, the process of calculation the maximum permissible discharges or obtaining terms for wastewater discharge into sewage system of water canals is required enough time and corresponded knowledge in the sphere of water use, so it is better to delegate it to high-qualified specialists.