The procedure of environmental impact assessment (EIA)
The Act of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On approval a procedure of submission documents for conclusion of evaluation of impact on surroundings» determines the procedure of carrying out the evaluation of impact on environment. Unified register of evaluation of impact on environment operates for registering, systemizing and keeping information. The letter of advice on planned activity, the claim on providing terms for the scope of study and the level of information specification and any other data or documents, required for the report of evaluation of impact on environment, are provided by Unified register of evaluation of impact in surroundings to Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine or local authority of ecology. If business entity at first time uses Unified register, so it is necessary to log in.
In addition, mentioned below documents are submitted on paper to Ministry of ecology by registered mail (post) and to local authority by registered mail or through the center of providing administrative services. It is compulsory to indicate an assigned number of Unified register on paper documents. If planned activity of evaluation of impact on surroundings related with trans boundary impact, all documents are provided in Ukrainian and English.
For evaluation of impact on environment and obtaining the conclusion of environmental impact evaluation, business entity has to prepare the following documents:
Within 3 days from providing documents, the business entity can make some changes in documents submitted to Unified register. All changes and additions of impact evaluation are registered as annexes to the first documents.
Business entity has to pay for environmental impact evaluation. The Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine approve the amount of payment. The Ministry of ecology or local authority of ecology after studying the submitted documents and information develop and issue the conclusion of environmental impact evaluation (example of conclusion in appendix 6 of Act).
MCL, LLC proposes a full support during carrying out the environmental impact evaluation including the executing of the report of environmental impact evaluation and other documents required for obtaining the conclusion of environmental impact evaluation and, by the way, during conducting the public hearings and discussions. Choosing MCL, LLC, you will get a reliable business partner in the field of ecology, management and law.