Environmental protection legislation in mineral resources mining
The mineral resources mining is a process tightly related with impact on environment. It includes not only direct intervention in the earth crust interior and excavation on the surface, but also impact of mining process and further mineral resources recycling. For preventing harmful impact on environment and human health during potentially dangerous processes of mineral resources mining, the business entity must comply all requirements of legislation in the sphere of nature protection.
Environmental protection legislation clearly establishes and prescribes all requirements for business entities which conduct the mining and recycling of mineral resources in the sphere of protection the mineral resources, air, soils, flora and fauna, water and social environment.
The mineral resources, developed and mined by enterprise, are the main item of impact from such enterprises, therefore they are always under attention. But complying the main requirements of legislation in the sphere of mineral resources protection means the obtaining permission for using mineral resources and fulfilment of its terms, that does not cause problems with the owners of quarries, mines, deposits.
Protection of atmospheric air, in the context of mineral resources mining, requires the special attention because of several special aspects of this activity. The peak emissions during explosive demolitions, the volume of dust and harmful substances, that are emit during the mineral resources development, especially, when it happens in open way (quarry), pose a particular hazard for environment. Noise and vibration caused by the technological processes also pose hazard and require to implement the individual solutions in case of exceeding the permissible normative on the line of sanitary-hygienic zone.
The main attention to the protection of lands, flora and fauna is usually given only at preparatory stages when there is a removal of plant vegetation and cutting of fertile layer of soil for saving it. But, activity of enterprises involved into mineral resources mining or recycling actually impacts on soils and living organisms. Non-complying the requirements of environmental protection legislation and negligent attitude to nature environment can lead to soils pollution, harmful impact on flora and worsening of fauna living conditions.
Water environment in the process of mineral resources mining can be a source or tool for technological demands. There is possible water conservation at the place of mining while the mineral resources mining, so therefore, in such case it is necessary to comply the requirements of current legislation in the sphere of water use. That`s why business entity is obligated to obtain a permission for quarry water discharge, in other words, to obtain permission for special water use (use of surface or underground waters). Also, during water discharge that formed on the process of mineral resources mining, the authorized local controlling bodies can require the conducting of laboratory researches of waste quarry water for determining the hazardous concentrations.
The process of mineral resources mining requires a comprehensive proficiency of environmental protection legislation, therefore, such type of activity comprises the significant spheres of surroundings, and, usually, impacts on it. That`s why, the business entity must meet the requirements not only in the sphere of mineral resources mining, but also I the sphere of special water use, wastewater discharge, control for emissions into atmospheric air, control for the levels of noise and vibration, especially if an object is located on le line of sanitary-hygienic zone.
Thanks to long-term and successful experience of specialists of MCL, LLC, you can an opportunity to obtain all required permissions and agreements for your project realization, and most importantly, adjust all processes to minimize environmental impact.