MCL offers carrying out of zoological and botanical researches, monitoring and post project monitoring of status of fauna and flora within a site of planned activity of business entities in Ukraine. The experienced specialists of profiled institutions conduct the surveys. They study the species composition of animals, their number and nesting conditions.
The necessity of biodiversity surveys is provided by the changes in environmental legislation, increase of control for business entities’ activities and compliance with the terms of financing by banks and financial organizations.
Research scientists of our company carry out the following surveys:
We carry out the surveys based on international and Ukrainian methodologies. Surveys could be short-term (from 5 days) and long-term (from 2 months). The duration of surveys depends on season therefore the spring and autumn is a time of bird migration. Based on the results of surveys we prepare a scientific and technical report on assessment of main groups of animals on the site of planned activity.
The remarkable thing is that after approval the law of Ukraine “On environmental impact assessment” is led to carry out of researches for biodiversity as a part of the report of EIA. Besides that report of EIA should consists of description of the main environmental components that probably impacted: status of land, flora, animals, biodiversity, water bodies, soils, air, landscape and interconnection between them.
In the statement/conclusion of EIA the local or central authorities could recommend to carry out post project monitoring of status of the main groups of animals and plants after object has been launched.
By experience, zoological and botanical surveys should be conducted in case of EIA of wind farms, hydropower stations, landfills of solid wastes and deforestation.
About methodologies used during zoological and botanical surveys please find below link.