The construction and operation of gas station in the field of ecology
The construction and operation of gas station in the field of ecology
The construction and operation of gasoline service station are the processes that directly impact on the status of nature environment and surroundings. The construction of gasoline service station must comply the requirements of state construction norms, and technical equipment, vehicles, facilities and mechanisms that are in operations, must meet the normative requirements of industrial safety and fire protection. Therefore, the violation of the operating rules and functioning of gasoline service station can lead to emergency situations, explosions, fuel spillage which, conversely, cause damage as to the environment as to human lives and health.
The responsibility of the business entity that builds the gasoline service station is related not only to complying the requirements of environmental legislation, but also with the rules of technical safety. During construction automation systems should be provided for preventing emergency situations as for reservoirs of fuel filling columns, as for premises of gasoline service complex. The design of a plan of localization and liquidation of emergency situations (PLES) is an integral part of the projecting for construction of gasoline service station.
Here are some basic steps in the design, construction and operation of gasoline service stations that allow the manager of station to avoid violations of environmental legislation:
- At design stage, except a comprehensive construction expertise, it is necessary to obtain the conclusion of state ecological expertise in accordance to the requirements of the law of Ukraine «On ecological expertise» and «The list of activities and objects that pose an increased environmental hazard» approved by the order №808 of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 28th of August 2013.
- The sanitary-hygienic zone of gasoline service station is 50 meters, in other words, within 50 meters cannot be in residential buildings, hospitals and so on. But in case of restrained urban conditions it possible to foresee measures allowing the allocation of gasoline service station close to residential area.
- If the future gasoline service station will store the liquefied gas, it is necessary to conduct an evaluation of impact on surroundings (EIS) and to obtain an agreement of local body for planned activity realization.
- Obtaining the technical terms for connecting to local power line and water disposal, and in case of use of underground waters – certification of well and obtaining permission for special water use. In case of installing the local treating facilities also is conducted the state ecological expertise.
- In Ukraine the gasoline service stations more and more turn into catering food outlets with shops. Often, the similar complexes are equipped with boilers, which except projecting and installing, require adjustment and alignment works and thermotechnical ecological tests of boiler equipment.
- After putting into operation the gasoline service station, it is necessary to conduct the laboratory measurements of emissions of pollutant substances into atmospheric air and to obtain the corresponded permission.
- The final stage is waste management, their storing, transporting for disposal by the authorized enterprises; execution of the passport of water service and obtaining the rems for wastewater discharge or signing an agreement for removal of liquid waste in case of use the local treating facilities.
- Working gasoline service station with adjusted processes and obtained permissions, conclusions, agreements requires waste calculation, annual payment of eco tax for emissions of pollutant substances, payment tax for water, proving the reports, declarations and fulfilment the terms of permissions and operating rules.
Taking into account that the designing of gasoline service station and control for its proper operating – is very difficult and responsible engineering work, so it is better to delegate for the best specialists.