Ecological outsourcing during construction
The construction of residential development and especially the objects of construction in progress – are processes required not only a rough compliance of construction norms and regulations, but also are obligated a business entity to pass all necessary stages related with an approval of required project, architectural, engineering and technic solutions before the beginning of construction the building base. Because the compliance of all requirements in accordance to national legislation guarantees a reliable construction process and quality of executed construction and other works.
The beginning of construction is started from choice of land plot for allocation of future residential development. While choosing the allocation, the business entity has to conduct the geological surveys and map survey. Geological surveys are conducted for determining the characteristics of soils, availability of underground waters and reliability of building base. Map survey of allocation for residential development is necessary for general appraisal of landscape, identifying positioning data and level of infrastructure development.
After obtaining all required permissions (permissions types depend on object allocation and legislative requirements), business entity has to start a projecting. Now the architectures and engineers will design a plan of future residential development including the requirements of construction and sanitary norms, seism and magnetic data and climate indicators of allocation place. One of the most important aspect of residential building project is a designing of utility line diagram for increasing an energy efficiency of building. The world trends of green construction are spreading among national developers, which are at the design stage through using eco-friendly materials and safe for environment construction technologies and methods, are able to reduce the expenses for heating, increase the level of lightness and noise isolation, and in general, increase the energy efficiency of residential building. The focus on protection of surrounding and nature environment allows for develop to obtain a corresponded certificate due to the standards of green construction at global level BREEAM and LEED. In addition, this stage is important not only for projecting the residential building including all engineering utilities, but also considering the general view of building in prospective for allocation place regarding on saving a planned level of lightness and noise isolation.
In case continuing the construction in progress according to the requirements of current legislation in the sphere of construction and sanitary-hygienic control, it is necessary to carry out the researches for identifying the mold and fungus on walls, ceiling and floors and if they were determined, it is necessary to use measures for their elimination. These researches are very significant therefore if they are not conducted, it can cause a hazard for citizen`s health and lives.
All mentioned below researches, works and surveys are conducted with a participation of accredited and authorized organizations which have not only the corresponded permission for conducting these works, but also an experience and high-qualified experts in payroll.
Therefore, the process of construction directly impacts on the status and conditions of surroundings, nature environment, fauna and flora, atmospheric air, soils and water resources, so the business entity has to comply the requirements of legislative acts in the sphere of environmental protection legislation and ecology, in general. In some cases, the construction of residential development requires an extraction of forests or green plants, therefore the rationality of extraction must be approved by the corresponded permission for its conducting. The practical decision for subcontractor organization, engaged to construction and engineering works, is a collaboration with organization in the sphere of ecology, nature environmental protection and sanitary-epidemiological control. The cooperation with such company allows not only to comply the all requirements of environmental legislation and show developer as the business entity which cares about nature, status of surroundings, follows the world tendencies of green construction and implements in own projects.
Regarding to the long-term and successful experience of experts of MCL, LLC, you can obtain all required permissions and approvals for you project realization through minimizing the impact on surroundings and nature environment.